Case Studies

Our clients are more than just numbers on a spreadsheet - they're the heart and soul of Pumpkn. We're proud to partner with these incredible entrepreneurs, fueling their growth and celebrating their successes. Here are a few of their inspiring stories

Cultivating Growth with Caroline Farming and Trading

"Pumpkn has been instrumental in helping us expand our farm and improve our production. Their support provided the funding we needed to open new land and invest in high-quality inputs. We’re excited about the future and grateful for Pumpkn’s partnership in our growth journey."

"Pumpkn has been instrumental in helping us expand our farm and improve our production. Their support provided the funding we needed to open new land and invest in high-quality inputs. We’re excited about the future...

On the Move: Tshidiso Group’s Journey with Pumpkn

The shuttle and tours business can be unpredictable, and cash flow challenges are part of the journey. Pumpkn’s short-term loans have been instrumental in helping me overcome these hurdles and bring on new customers. Their support has been key in keeping Tshidiso Group moving forward, literally and figuratively."

The shuttle and tours business can be unpredictable, and cash flow challenges are part of the journey. Pumpkn’s short-term loans have been instrumental in helping me overcome these hurdles and bring on new customers...

Harvesting Growth: VT Harvest’s Path to Success with Pumpkn

"As a tunnel farmer, having access to reliable funding is crucial for maintaining quality and output. Pumpkn’s short-term loans have been there exactly what I needed them to keep my operations running smoothly. Their commitment to supporting small farmers like myself has made a significant difference, and I’m excited to continue working with them."

"As a tunnel farmer, having access to reliable funding is crucial for maintaining quality and output. Pumpkn’s short-term loans have been there exactly what I needed them to keep my operations running smoothly...

The Coffee Bug Brewing Business Growth with Pumpkn

The Coffee Bug Brewing Business Growth with Pumpkn

"Pumpkn has been a huge help for The Coffee Bug. Their support came at the perfect time, helping us overcome our cash flow challenges. Thanks to their flexible financial solutions, we've been able to keep our Coffee Bug running smoothly...

How Conza's Biscuits Baked Up Sweet Success with Pumpkn

"Pumpkn has been the perfect funding partner for my growing business. The loan application process is simple, and their team provided excellent advice on the best funding solutions for our needs. Their idea of a 'Funding Ladder' and their network of lending partners is an exciting approach to progressively accessing larger funding as our business grows."

"Pumpkn has been the perfect funding partner for my growing business. The loan application process is simple, and their team provided excellent advice on the best funding solutions for our needs. Their idea of a 'Funding Ladder'...

Trading Up: The Growth Story of African Farm Produce

"Pumpkn’s PO loans have been a game-changer for African Farm Produce. They’ve enabled me to seize new trading opportunities and grow my business in record time. Their quick, progressive financing solutions have truly empowered me to take my fresh produce business to the next level."

"Pumpkn’s PO loans have been a game-changer for African Farm Produce. They’ve enabled me to seize new trading opportunities and grow my business in record time. Their quick, progressive financing solutions have truly...

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